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qPCR Master Mix Kit

For probe-based assays and arrays



qPCR Master Mix is a 2X concentrated solution optimized for TaqMan® probe-based, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). It is intended for use in combination with gene-specific primers (to amplify target cDNA) and fluorogenic-labeled probes that use the 5’ nuclease activity of Taq DNA polymerase to produce a fluorescent signal. The rate of accumulation of the fluorescent signal is used to quantify the cDNA, and thereby to determine the amount of mRNA present in the original sample.  qPCR Master Mix includes a Hot Start DNA polymerase, dNTPs, MgCl2, enhancers, and stabilizers. The qPCR Master Mix Kit also includes ROX Reference Dye as a separate component, making it compatible with both reference dye-dependent and -independent qPCR systems.

•  Efficient, sensitive, and reproducible
•  Optimal performance when using standard or fast cycling conditions
•  Ideal for high-throughput applications and overnight experiments
•  Compatible with various real-time qPCR instruments


Document Type产品名称Catalog #Lot #语言
Product Information Sheet qPCR Master Mix Kit07516, 07517AllEnglish
Safety Data Sheet 1qPCR Master Mix Kit07516, 07517AllEnglish
Safety Data Sheet 2qPCR Master Mix Kit07516, 07517AllEnglish



Figure 1. PCR Amplification Efficiency Remains Consistently High Under Standard or Fast Cycling Conditions

qPCR was performed with qPCR array plates, template, qPCR Master Mix and reference dye using a real-time PCR instrument. (A) The calculated PCR efficiency of 13 assays (n = 26) is shown run under fast cycling conditions using either diluted cDNA (50–0.016 ng) or 101 –107 copies of template. All assays exhibited 90–110% PCR efficiency with R2 >0.99. (B) At each concentration of cDNA (50 – 0.016 ng; 3 of 6 dilutions shown), the difference in Cq values determined using standard or fast cycling conditions was<1. Standard cycling: 3 min. 95°C; 49 x (15 sec. 95°C; 1 min. 60°). Fast cycling: 3 min. 95°C; 49 x (5 sec. 95°C; 30 sec. 60°).

Figure 2. Reproducible Amplification with qPCR Master Mix After Extended Pre-Heating

qPCR Master Mix was either heated at 55°C for 4 or 8 hours or not heated before use in qPCR assays with reference dye and varying amounts of cDNA (50 - 0.08 ng). An overlay of the amplification plots shows no effect on the amplification curves for unheated or heated qPCR Master Mix.