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hPSC Genetic Analysis Kit

qPCR analysis kit for detecting the majority of karyotypic abnormalities reported in human ES and iPS cells



The hPSC Genetic Analysis Kit contains all required components to detect the 8 most common karyotypic abnormalities reported in human embryonic stem (ES) cells and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. This qPCR-based kit enables the genetic screening of multiple human ES and iPS cell lines in a rapid and cost-effective manner, and contains enough material to analyze 20 individual samples in triplicate. It uses double-quenched probes with a 5-carboxyfluorescein (5-FAM) dye to give superior performance over other single-quenched probes.

Specifically, the kit includes qPCR Master Mix, ROX Reference Dye, Buffer and primer/probe mixes designed to detect the critical minimal regions of these 8 commonly mutated regions along with a primer/probe mix to a control location in the genome. Additionally, a genomic DNA control is provided with demonstrated normal copy number over the regions of interest.

Our online Genetic Analysis Application ( www.stemcell.com/geneticanalysisapp ) is designed to help with data analysis and interpretation: simply input qPCR data and the tool will perform statistical analyses, assist with data interpretation, and provide visual representation of the data.



Figure 1. The hPSC Genetic Analysis Kit Identifies Chromosome 12 Trisomy

Chromosome 12 trisomy in WLS-1C human iPS cell line is (A) detected using the hPSC Genetic Analysis Kit (orange bar) and (B) confirmed by G-banding.

Figure 2. The hPSC Genetic Analysis Kit Identifies Chromosome 1 Duplication via Unbalanced Translocation

Unbalanced rearrangement of chromosome 1 in the WLS-1C human iPS cell line in which an extra copy of the long (q) arm of chromosome 1 translocated to the short arm (p) of chromosome 21 was (A) detected using the hPSC Genetic Analysis Kit (orange bar) and (B) confirmed by G-banding.

Figure 3. The hPSC Genetic Analysis Kit Identifies Chromosome 20q11.21 Duplication

Chromosome 20q duplication in WLS-1C human iPS cell line is (A) detected using the hPSC Genetic Analysis Kit (orange bar), (B) undetected by G-banding, and (C) confirmed by fluorescent in situ hybridization using probes for 20p11 (green) and 20q11.21 (red).

Figure 4. The hPSC Genetic Analysis Kit Identifies Abnormalities in Cultures with Approximately 30% Mosaicism

Genetically normal WLS-1C human iPS cells were mixed in the indicated ratios with WLS-1C human iPS cells containing a chromosome 20q duplication. Cultures with approximately 30% genetically abnormal cells exhibit a significantly enriched population of 20q11.21 duplication (orange bars).