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Gel and PCR Clean-up Kit

For extraction of DNA from agarose gels, or clean-up of PCR products and restriction enzyme digestions



The Gel and PCR Clean-up Kit uses a membrane-based system to quickly purify DNA fragments of 100 bp to 10 kb in length from polymerase chain reaction (PCR), restriction enzyme digestion, or excised agarose gel fragments (up to 350 mg). The purified DNA is directly suitable for applications such as automated fluorescent DNA sequencing, cloning, labeling, restriction enzyme digestion, or in vitro transcription. Up to 40 µg of DNA can be processed per column in as little as 20 minutes and eluted in volumes as low as 15 µL, with up to 95% recovery depending on DNA fragment length. The Gel and PCR Clean-up Kit can be used to purify linear DNA fragments, supercoiled plasmid DNA, or single-stranded DNA (circular or linear).
