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Falcon® Round-Bottom Polystyrene Tubes, 5 mL

Sterile polystyrene round-bottom tube for cell separation and cell culture; with or without caps



Falcon® Round-Bottom Polystyrene Tubes, 5 mL are sterile, high-quality tubes ideal for a wide variety of sample preparation, sample storage, and sample centrifugation tasks. They are required for EasySep™ cell isolation when using EasySep™ Magnet (Catalog #18000) or EasyEights™ EasySep™ Magnet (5 mL side; Catalog #18103), and can be used for flow cytometry and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Tubes are RNase-/DNase-free.

500 Tubes with caps; 25 Tubes/pack (Corning Catalog #352058)
1000 Tubes with caps; 125 Tubes/pack (Corning Catalog #352054)
1000 Tubes without caps; 125 Tubes/pack (Corning Catalog #352052)


Document Type 产品名称 Catalog # Lot # 语言
Product Information Sheet Round-Bottom Polystyrene Tubes with Caps, 5 mL 38007, 38025, 100-0088 All English
Product Information Sheet Round-Bottom Polystyrene Tubes without Caps, 5 mL 38055, 100-0102 All English
