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Double Chamber Slide Kit

For the culture, fixation, and staining of collagen-based cultures



Double Chamber Slide Kit contains 48 double chamber slides, 48 filter cards, and 48 spacers. The double chamber slides are recommended for performing colony assays in collagen gels using MegaCult™-C or other collagen-based media, for the detection of hematopoietic progenitor cells. The chamber slide system allows for culture, fixation, and immunocytochemical staining of hematopoietic colony assays to be performed on the same slide. Filter cards and spacers are used for the dehydration of collagen-based gels following culture. The kit provides sufficient slides, filter cards, and spacers to perform 24 duplicate assays (two slides) or 48 single assays (one slide).


Document Type 产品名称 Catalog # Lot # 语言
Product Information Sheet Double Chamber Slide Kit 04963 All English
Product Information Sheet MegaCult™-C Double Chamber Slides 04813 All English
