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EasySep™ Human Th17 Cell Enrichment Kit II

Immunomagnetic cell isolation kit using particle release technology



The EasySep™ Human Th17 Enrichment Kit II is a two-step method designed to enrich for human Th17 cells from fresh peripheral blood mononuclear cells. First, CCR6+ cells are isolated by column-free immunomagnetic positive selection using antibody complexes and EasySep™ Releasable RapidSpheres™. Then, bound magnetic particles are removed from the cells and unwanted non-CD4+ T cells, CD45RA+ cells, and CXCR3+ cells are targeted for depletion using antibody complexes and EasySep™ Dextran RapidSpheres™. The final isolated fraction is enriched for IL-17-producing Th17 cells.

This product can be used in place of the EasySep™ Human Th17 Cell Enrichment Kit (Catalog #18162) for even faster cell isolations.



Starting with fresh PBMCs, the Th17 cell content (CD4+CXCR3-CCR6+) of the isolated fraction typically ranges from 96 - 98%. Following overnight stimulation with PMA-Ionomycin, 6 - 19% of the isolated cells are IL-17+ by intracellular flow cytometry. These values vary widely among donors. IFN-γ-producing cells are typically < 5% of the enriched fraction.