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EasySep™ Release Human APC Positive Selection Kit

Immunomagnetic positive selection kit using particle release technology



The EasySep™ Release Human APC Positive Selection Kit is designed to isolate cells that are labeled with APC-conjugated antibodies from fresh or previously frozen peripheral blood mononuclear cells or washed leukapheresis samples by immunomagnetic positive selection.

Desired cells are labeled with antibodies and magnetic particles, and separated without columns using an EasySep™ magnet. Unwanted cells are simply poured off, while desired cells remain in the tube. Then, bound magnetic particles are removed from the EasySep™-isolated, APC-antibody labeled cells, which are immediately available for downstream applications. Following cell isolation with this EasySep™ Release kit, antibody complexes remain bound to the cell surface and may interact with Brilliant Violet™ antibody conjugates, polyethylene glycol-modified proteins or other chemically related ligands.



Using the EasySep™ Release Human APC Positive Selection Kit, the frequencies of CD45+ cells in the starting and isolated fractions are 5.9% and 94.2%, respectively.

Figure 1. Purity of CD45+ Cells Following Cell Isolation with the EasySep™ Release Human APC Positive Selection Kit

In the above example, the frequencies of CD45+ cells in the starting and isolated fractions are 5.9% and 94.2%, respectively.