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EasySep™ Mouse Pan-ILC Enrichment Kit

16-Minute cell isolation using Immunomagnetic negative selection



This product is designed to enrich group 1, 2 and 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC1, ILC2 and ILC3s) from single-cell suspensions of mouse tissues by negative selection. Unwanted cells are targeted for removal with biotinylated antibodies directed against non-ILCs and streptavidin-coated magnetic particles (RapidSpheres™). Labeled cells are separated using an EasySep™ magnet without the use of columns. Unwanted cells remain in the tube as desired cells are simply poured off into a new tube. Isolated cells are immediately available for downstream applications such as flow cytometry and cell sorting.




Figure 1. Typical EasySep™ Mouse Pan-ILC Enrichment Profile

Starting with a naïve mouse lung single-cell suspension, the total ILC content (CD45+Lin-CD127+) of the enriched fraction typically ranges from 3.1 - 7.6%. In the above example, the percentages of ILCs in the start and final enriched fractions are 0.4% and 3.9% (or 0.4% and 6.8% of CD45+ cells), respectively. NOTE: The ILC content of the start fraction typically ranges from 0.3 - 0.6%.

Figure 2. Typical EasySep™ Mouse Pan-ILC Enrichment Profile from Mouse Lymph Node

Starting with a naïve mouse lymph node single-cell suspension, the total ILC content (CD45+Lin-CD127+) of the enriched fraction typically ranges from 21.1 - 45.2%. In the above example, the percentages of ILCs in the start and final enriched fractions are 0.3% and 17.6% (or 0.3% and 24.7% of CD45+ cells), respectively. NOTE: The ILC content of the start fraction typically ranges from 0.3 - 0.4%.