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EasySep™ Mouse Pan-DC Enrichment Kit

Immunomagnetic negative selection cell isolation kit



The EasySep™ Mouse Pan-DC Enrichment Kit is designed to isolate pan-dendritic cells (DCs) from single-cell suspensions of splenocytes or other tissues by negative selection. Unwanted cells are targeted for removal with biotinylated antibodies directed against non-pan-DCs and Tetrameric Antibody Complexes recognizing biotin and dextran-coated magnetic particles. Labeled cells are separated using an EasySep™ magnet without the use of columns. Desired cells are poured off into a new tube.

For even faster cell isolations and greater recovery, we recommend the new EasySep™ Mouse Pan-DC Enrichment Kit II (19863) which isolates cells in just 13 minutes.



Start: 3.61% Pan-dendritic Cells

Figure 1. Start: 3.61% Pan-dendritic Cells

Enriched Pan-Dendritic Cells obtained using EasySep™ Mouse pan-DC Enrichment Kit

Figure 2. Enriched: 67.8% Pan-dendritic Cells

The dendritic cell content of the enriched fraction is typically 65 ± 11%.