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Cell Navigator™ Golgi Staining Kit

Kit containing C6 NBD ceramide for selectively staining the Golgi apparatus in live or aldehyde-fixed cells



Cell Navigator™ Golgi Staining Kit is an optimized assay kit for staining morphological features of the Golgi apparatus in live and fixed cells. This kit contains NBD ceramide, a fluorescent analog of ceramide—a sphingosine derivative—that selectively stains the Golgi apparatus. NBD ceramide fluorescence is weak in water, and increases in aprotic solvents and non-polar solvents. Therefore, NBD ceramide is complexed with bovine serum albumin (BSA) prior to administration into cells; the resulting fluorescent metabolites stain the Golgi apparatus. The kit also contains a staining buffer, DMSO, and Hoechst 33342—a dye that selectively labels DNA—which can be used as a nuclear co-stain.


Scientific Resources