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ClonaCell™-CHO CD Medium

Chemically defined, animal component-free, serum-free, protein-free, glutamine-free semi-solid methylcellulose-based medium for selecting and cloning CHO cells



ClonaCell™-CHO CD Medium is a methylcellulose-based semi-solid medium recommended for selection and cloning of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. This medium is chemically defined, protein-free, and animal component-free. It does not contain L-glutamine, selection agents, or phenol red and is compatible with dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) and glutamine synthetase (GS) selection systems.

Benefits of semi-solid cloning:
• Individual clones and their progeny remain localized together in a semi-solid matrix as they grow to form distinct monoclonal colonies. This prevents the loss of rare, high-producing clones by overgrowth from faster-growing cells, as can occur during selection in a liquid medium, and facilitates the isolation of a diverse set of clones with a wide range of growth rates and productivities to be obtained for downstream screening.
• Colonies obtained from semi-solid medium have a high probability of monoclonality, allowing clonal cell lines to be generated in less time and using fewer resources than with limiting dilution cloning.
• Colonies can be easily picked from the semi-solid medium by manual or robotic methods and dispersed into a liquid growth medium for screening and expansion.


Document Type 产品名称 Catalog # Lot # 语言
Product Information Sheet ClonaCell™-CHO CD Medium 03815 All English
Safety Data Sheet ClonaCell™-CHO CD Medium 03815 All English


Publications (1)

2013 Cell senescence as both a dynamic and a static phenotype Young ARJ et al.


It has been 50 years since cellular senescence was first described in human diploid fibroblasts (HDFs), yet its mechanism as well as its physiological and clinical implications are still not fully appreciated. Recent progress suggests that cellular senescence is a collective phenotype, composed of complex networks of effector programs. The balance and quality within the effector network varies depending on the cell type, the nature of the stress as well as the context. Therefore, understanding each of these effectors in the context of the whole network will be necessary in order to fully understand senescence as a whole. Furthermore, searching for new effector programs of senescence will help to define this heterogeneous and complex phenotype according to cellular contexts.
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