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ClonaCell™-CHO AOF Supplement

Animal origin-free, serum-free, L-glutamine-free, and phenol red-free 40X culture supplement for cloning during CHO cell line development



Save time and your precious clones during cell line development by increasing cloning efficiency and promoting robust growth of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells with ClonaCell™-CHO AOF Supplement in your base medium.

Formulated without phenol red, this supplement offers precipitate-free culture for improved imaging clarity and visualization of clonality, compared to ClonaCell™-CHO ACF Supplement (Catalog #03820). This animal origin-free (AOF) supplement is formulated with no animal-derived raw materials to the secondary level of manufacturing. It contains recombinant proteins and chemically defined components and is free of serum, hydrolysates, L-glutamine, or selection agents.

Use this 40X supplement with a variety of base media suitable for CHO cell culture, including protein-free ClonaCell™-CHO CD Liquid Medium (Catalog #03817) or semi-solid ClonaCell™-CHO CD Medium (Catalog #03815).

Explore liquid and semi-solid media for efficient cell cloning and cell line generation in the ClonaCell™ brand page.

Learn more about how we define our culture media and supplements, including AOF media.


Document Type 产品名称 Catalog # Lot # 语言
Product Information Sheet ClonaCell™-CHO AOF Supplement 100-0382 All English
Safety Data Sheet ClonaCell™-CHO AOF Supplement 100-0382 All English



Comparison of the cloning efficiency (%) of CHO-S and CHO-K1 cells subcloned in DMEM + 10% FBS, or ClonaCell™-CHO CD Liquid Medium containing either ClonaCell™-CHO ACF Supplement or ClonaCell™-CHO AOF Supplement.

Figure 1. Cloning Efficiencies for Subcloned CHO-S and CHO-K1 Cells

CHO-S (A) and CHO-K1 (B) cells were subcloned by limiting dilution in DMEM + 10% FBS, or ClonaCell™-CHO CD Liquid Medium containing either ClonaCell™-CHO ACF Supplement or ClonaCell™-CHO AOF Supplement; all conditions contained 6 - 8 mM L-glutamine. Individual wells of 96-well plates were seeded with an average of 0.5 or 1 cell per well in 200 μL culture medium. After incubation for 14 days (37°C, 5% CO2) the plates were examined under a microscope and assessed for growth, with wells containing >100 cells considered positive for outgrowth. The cloning efficiency was estimated by Poisson statistics using the ELDA method described by Hu & Smith (2009). Data are shown as mean ± 1 SD for n = 4 independent experiments.