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ClonaCell™-CHO ACF Medium

Animal component-free, serum-free, glutamine-free semi-solid methylcellulose-based medium for selecting and cloning CHO cells



ClonaCell™-CHO ACF is a methylcellulose-based semi-solid medium with supplements for the selection and cloning of suspension-adapted CHO cells in serum-free conditions. This medium is animal component-free and contains only recombinant proteins and synthetic components. Single-cell cloning efficiency of CHO cells is higher in this medium than in protein-free media, especially at low plating densities. It does not contain L-glutamine, selection agents, or phenol red and is compatible with dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) and glutamine synthase (GS) selection systems.

Benefits of semi-solid cloning:
• Individual cells are suspended in viscous medium and form physically separated, discrete colonies that are easily isolated.
• Monoclonal cell lines are isolated in less time using fewer resources compared with selection and cloning by limiting dilution.
• Diverse clones with a wide range of growth rates and productivities form discrete colonies in the viscous medium. As a result, rare and high-producing clones can be individually isolated more easily using simultaneous selection and cloning in semi-solid medium compared with selection in bulk liquid cultures.


Document Type 产品名称 Catalog # Lot # 语言
Product Information Sheet ClonaCell™-CHO ACF Medium 03816 All English
Safety Data Sheet ClonaCell™-CHO ACF Medium 03816 All English
