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mTeSR™1 Without Phenol Red

Defined, feeder-free maintenance medium for human ES and iPS cells



mTeSR™1 is the most widely published feeder-free cell culture medium for human embryonic stem cells (ES cells) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), with established protocols for applications ranging from derivation to differentiation. It has been used to successfully maintain hundreds of ES and iPS cell lines in over 40 countries, and has supported top pluripotent stem cell publications and researchers. mTeSR™1 is a highly specialized, serum-free, and complete cell culture medium. With pre-screened raw materials that ensure batch-to-batch consistency and robust feeder-free protocols for ES and iPS cell culture, mTeSR™1 provides more consistent cultures with homogeneous, undifferentiated phenotypes.
mTeSR™1 is now available without phenol red, for applications in which the presence of phenol red is undesirable.


Document Type 产品名称 Catalog # Lot # 语言
Product Information Sheet 1 mTeSR™1 Without Phenol Red 05876 All other lots English
Product Information Sheet 2 mTeSR™1 Without Phenol Red 05876 For purchase date 2020-05-13 or later English
Safety Data Sheet 1 mTeSR™1 Without Phenol Red 05876 All English
Safety Data Sheet 2 mTeSR™1 Without Phenol Red 05876 All English
