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StemSpan™ Myeloid Expansion Supplement (100X)

Serum-free culture supplement for expansion and differentiation of human granulocytes



StemSpan™ Myeloid Expansion Supplement (100X) contains a combination of recombinant human cytokines formulated to selectively promote the expansion and differentiation of human myeloid progenitor cells, generating large numbers of CD15+ granulocytes from CD34+ cells isolated from human cord blood (CB) or bone marrow (BM) samples.

StemSpan™ Myeloid Expansion Supplement is intended for use in combination with any of the following StemSpan™ media:
• StemSpan™ SFEM (Catalog #09600)
• StemSpan™ SFEM II (Catalog #09605)
• StemSpan™-XF (Catalog #100-0073)
• StemSpan™-AOF (Catalog #100-0130)

When added to serum-free medium, StemSpan™ Myeloid Expansion Supplement typically promotes the production of thousands of CD15+ granulocytes per input CD34+ cell in 14-day liquid cultures initiated with CD34+ human CB cells. See data tab for more details.




Production of CD13+ and CD15+ Myeloid Cells by the Expansion and Lineage-Specific Differentiation of Human BM-Derived Cells Cultured in StemSpan™ SFEM II Containing Myeloid CD34+ Expansion Supplement

Figure 1. Production of CD13+ and CD15+ Myeloid Cells by the Expansion and Lineage-Specific Differentiation of Human BM-Derived Cells Cultured in StemSpan™ SFEM II Containing Myeloid Expansion Supplement

Flow cytometry dot plots for 14-day cultures of human BM-derived CD34+ cells in StemSpan™ SFEM II containing Myeloid Expansion Supplement showing expression of the HSPC marker CD34, and pan-hematopoietic marker CD45 (A) before and (B) after 14 days of culture, and expression of myeloid markers CD13 and CD15 (C) after 14 days of culture. The frequency of CD34+ cells declined from 83% before culture to ~1% after 14 days. In parallel, myeloid CD13+CD15+ cells gradually accumulated from <10% on day 0 to 46% by day 14. The frequency of CD14+ cells after culture was low (typically <10%, see Table 1).

Table 1. Production of Myeloid Cells from Human CB-Derived CD34+ Cells Cultured in StemSpan™ SFEM II Containing Myeloid Expansion Supplement

Production of Myeloid Cells from Human CB-Derived CD34+ Cells Cultured in StemSpan™ SFEM II Containing Myeloid Expansion Supplement

Number of total nucleated cells (TNCs) produced per input human CB-derived CD34+ cell from 14 different donors and percentage of cells positive for myeloid markers CD13, CD14 and CD15 produced after 14 days of culture in SFEM II containing Myeloid Expansion Supplement. Best expansion was obtained in SFEM II, but myeloid cell expansion may also be obtained in SFEM and ACF media.
*95% confidence limits (CL), the range within which 95% of the results will typically fall.