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STEMdiff™ Lung Progenitor Kit

Serum-free medium for efficient and reproducible generation of lung progenitor cells from human ES and iPS cells



STEMdiff™ Lung Progenitor Kit is a serum-free culture medium system for efficient and reproducible generation of lung progenitor cells from human embryonic stem (ES) and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells through three stages of differentiation: 1) definitive endoderm, 2) anterior foregut endoderm, and 3) lung progenitor cells. Differentiated cells will express NKX2.1, a key marker of lung progenitor cells. The resulting cells can be further matured towards proximal or distal airway cells using published protocols for the study of lung diseases and lung development.



Illustration showing the protocol, media, and three stages (definitive endoderm, anterior foregut endoderm, and lung progenitors) invoved in the differentiation of human PSCs into lung progenitor cells using the STEMdiff™ Lung Progenitor Kit.

Figure 1. Generation of Lung Progenitor Cells from Human ES/iPS Cells with the STEMdiff™ Lung Progenitor Kit

Human PSC (hPSC) cultures progress through a simple three-stage process to generate lung progenitor cells. hPSC clumps are first seeded in mTeSR™1. On Day 1, differentiation is initiated with Medium DE-1 (STEMdiff™ Endoderm Basal Medium containing Supplement MR and Supplement CJ). Subsequently on day 2 and 3, the medium is changed to Medium DE-2 (STEMdiff™ Endoderm Basal Medium containing Supplement CJ) for definitive endoderm patterning. On Day 4, to initiate anterior foregut endoderm patterning, the endoderm monolayer is passaged in Medium LP-1 (STEMdiff™ Lung Basal Medium, Lung Supplement (10X), and Supplement 1) and Y-27832. Finally, at Day 9, the cells are differentiated into the lung progenitor stage with Medium LP-2 (STEMdiff™ Lung Basal Medium, Lung Supplement (10X), and Supplement 2).