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STEMdiff™ Definitive Endoderm Kit (TeSR™-E8™ Optimized)

Defined animal component-free medium for the differentiation of human ES and iPS cells maintained in TeSR™-E8™ to definitive endoderm



STEMdiff™ Definitive Endoderm Kit (TeSR™-E8™ Optimized) is a complete, serum- and animal component-free medium and supplement kit that supports highly efficient differentiation of human ES cells and iPS cells that have been maintained in TeSR™-E8™ to definitive endoderm. Cells differentiated using the STEMdiff™ Definitive Endoderm Kit (TeSR™-E8™ Optimized) express high levels of endoderm markers, including CD184 (CXCR4) and SOX17. When used in combination with Vitronectin XF™, the STEMdiff™ Definitive Endoderm Kit (TeSR™-E8™ Optimized) provides a completely xeno-free workflow for the generation of multipotent definitive endoderm.

Optimized for differentiation of cells maintained in TeSR™-E8™ . For differentiation of cells maintained in mTeSR™1, please see the STEMdiff™ Definitive Endoderm Kit.



Definitive Endoderm Differentiation is Efficient Across Multiple ES and iPS Cell Lines Maintained in Either mTeSR™1 or TeSR™-E8™ Maintenance Media

Figure 1. Definitive Endoderm Differentiation is Efficient Across Multiple ES and iPS Cell Lines Maintained in Either mTeSR™1 or TeSR™-E8™ Maintenance Media

Quantitative analysis of definitive endoderm formation in multiple hES (H1 and H9) and hiPS (WLS-4D1 and STiPS-M001) lines as measured by co-expression of CXCR4 and SOX17. Cells maintained in mTeSR™1 or TeSR™-E8™ were differentiated using the STEMdiff™ Definitive Endoderm Kit or the STEMdiff™ Definitive Endoderm Kit (TeSR™-E8™-Optimized), respectively. Data are expressed as the mean percentage of cells expressing both markers. Error bars indicate SEM.