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STEMdiff™ Atrial Cardiomyocyte Differentiation Kit

Culture medium kit for differentiation of human PSCs to atrial cardiomyocytes



STEMdiff™ Atrial Cardiomyocyte Differentiation Kit is optimized for the differentiation and maintenance of human embryonic stem and induced pluripotent stem cells into atrial cardiomyocytes (cardiac troponin T-positive; cTnT+). This kit can be used to generate atrial cardiomyocytes derived from a clump culture of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) maintained in mTeSR™1 (Catalog #85850), mTeSR™ Plus (Catalog #100-0276), or TeSR™-E8™ (Catalog #05990). With greater than 80% yield purity, an average of 1 x 10^6 cTnT+ cells can be harvested from a single well of a 12-well plate.

STEMdiff™ Cardiomyocyte Maintenance Kit (Catalog #05020) comprises the maintenance basal medium and supplement and allows for long-term maintenance of hPSC-derived atrial cardiomyocytes for one month or longer. These cardiomyocytes can be used in various downstream applications and analyses.
