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Anti-Mouse CD43 Antibody, Clone R2/60

Rat monoclonal IgM antibody against mouse CD43



The R2/60 antibody reacts with mouse CD43, a type I transmembrane sialoglycoprotein expressed on the surface of most hematopoietic cells including thymocytes, T cells, B cells, NK cells, monocytes, granulocytes, platelets, and hematopoietic progenitor cells. CD43 binds ligands such as CD54 and CD169 (siglec-1) and plays regulatory roles in cell adhesion, activation, and survival. CD43 exhibits two different glycoforms; a 115 kDa form, and an activation-associated 130 kDa form, both of which are detected by the R2/60 antibody.


Document Type 产品名称 Catalog # Lot # 语言
Product Information Sheet Anti-Mouse CD43 Antibody, Clone R2/60, Biotin 60042BT, 60042BT.1 All English
Safety Data Sheet Anti-Mouse CD43 Antibody, Clone R2/60, Biotin 60042BT, 60042BT.1 All English



Flow cytometry analysis of C57BL/6 mouse splenocytes labeled with Anti-Mouse CD43 Antibody, Clone R2/60, Biotin, followed by streptavidin (SAV) APC (filled histogram), or a biotin-conjugated rat IgM isotype control antibody, followed by SAV APC (solid line histogram).