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Anti-Human MUC1 (CD227) Antibody, Clone 16A

Mouse monoclonal IgG1 antibody against human MUC1 (CD227)



The 16A antibody reacts with human MUC1, a large (> 250 kDa) heavily glycosylated type 1 transmembrane protein expressed on the surface of most glandular and ductal epithelial cells and a variety of hematopoietic cells. A characteristic feature of the MUC1 glycoprotein is a core domain composed of a variable number of tandem repeats and multiple oligosaccharide side chains. Because the extracellular portion of MUC1 can extend beyond most cell surface proteins, it is thought to play a role in cell-cell and cell-substrate adhesion. The protein is highly expressed by a majority of human adenocarcinomas and is associated with a poor prognosis. In the mammary gland, MUC1 is localized on the apical plasma membrane of luminal epithelial cells. The clone 16A antibody has a higher affinity for the glycosylated form of MUC1.



(A) Primary human airway epithelial cells were cultured in PneumaCult™-ALI Medium (Catalog #05001) at the air-liquid interface, then cryo-sectioned and labeled with Anti-Human MUC1 (CD227) Antibody, Clone 16A, followed by a goat anti-rabbit IgG antibody, Alexa Fluor® 594 (red), and an anti-human NGF Receptor/p75NTR (CD271) antibody, followed by a donkey anti-mouse IgG antibody, Alexa Fluor® 488 (green). (B) Flow cytometry analysis of human peripheral blood lymphocytes following stimulation with PHA for 3 days. Cells were labeled with Anti-Human MUC1 (CD227) Antibody, Clone 16A, followed by an anti-mouse IgG1 antibody, PE and anti-human CD3 antibody, Clone HIT3a, Pacific Blue™. (C) Flow cytometry analysis of human peripheral blood lymphocytes following stimulation with PHA for 3 days. Cells were labeled with Mouse IgG1, kappa Isotype Control Antibody, Clone MOPC-21 (Catalog #60070), followed by an anti-mouse IgG1 antibody, PE, and anti-human CD3 antibody, clone HIT3a, Pacific Blue™.

(A) Flow cytometry analysis of human airway epithelial cells cultured in PneumaCult™-ALI Medium (Catalog #05001) at the air-liquid interface. Cells were enzymatically dissociated and labeled with Anti-Human MUC1 (CD227) Antibody, Clone 16A, PE (filled histogram) or Mouse IgG1, kappa Isotype Control Antibody, Clone MOPC-21, PE (Catalog #60070PE, solid line histogram). (C) Flow cytometry analysis human peripheral blood lymphocytes following stimulation with PHA for 3 days. Cells were labeled with Anti-Human MUC1 (CD227) Antibody, Clone 16A, PE and anti-human CD3 antibody, clone HIT3a, Pacific Blue™. (D) Flow cytometry analysis of PHA-activated human peripheral blood lymphocytes following stimulation with PHA for 3 days. Cells were labeled with Mouse IgG1, kappa Isotype Control Antibody, Clone MOPC-21, PE, and anti-human CD3 antibody, clone HIT3a, Pacific Blue™.

(A) Flow cytometry analysis of human airway epithelial cells cultured in PneumaCult™-ALI Medium at the air-liquid interface. Cells were enzymatically dissociated and labeled with Anti-Human MUC1 (CD227) Antibody, Clone 16A, APC (filled histogram) or Mouse IgG1, kappa Isotype Control Antibody, Clone MOPC-21, APC (Catalog #60070AZ, solid line histogram). (B) Flow cytometry analysis of human peripheral blood lymphocytes following stimulation with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) for 3 days. Cells were labeled with Anti-Human MUC1 (CD227) Antibody, Clone 16A, APC and Anti-Human CD3 Antibody, Clone UCHT1, FITC (Catalog #60011FI). (C) Flow cytometry analysis of human peripheral blood lymphocytes following stimulation with PHA for 3 days. Cells were labeled with Mouse IgG1, kappa Isotype Control Antibody, Clone MOPC-21, APC and Anti-Human CD3 Antibody, Clone UCHT1, FITC.