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Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10

Mouse monoclonal IgG1 antibody against human, rhesus, cynomolgus CD2



The RPA-2.10 antibody reacts with CD2, an ~50 kDa type I transmembrane glycoprotein and a member of the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily; two Ig-like domains are located in its extracellular portion. CD2 is broadly expressed on peripheral T and NK cells, dendritic cells, erythrocytes, most thymic T cells, subsets of thymic B cells, and on the endothelium. CD2 expression appears early during T cell differentiation. Aberrant expression has been observed in some lymphomas and myeloid leukemias. CD2 is critically important for T cell activation and signaling, as well as lymphocyte adhesion. The primary ligand for CD2 is CD58 (LFA-3) located on antigen-presenting cells, with additional ligands comprising CD15 (SSEA-1), CD48 and CD59. Notably, the RPA-2.10 antibody blocks the mixed lymphocyte reaction.



Data for Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, APC

Figure 1. Data for Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, APC

(A) Flow cytometry analysis of human buffy coat cells labeled with Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, APC (filled histogram) or a mouse IgG1, kappa APC isotype control antibody (black line histogram).
(B) Flow cytometry analysis of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) processed with the EasySep™ HLA CD3 Positive Selection Kit and labeled with Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, APC. Histograms show labeling of PBMCs (Start) and isolated cells (Isolated). Labeling of start cells with a mouse IgG1, kappa APC isotype control antibody is shown (open histogram).

Data for Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, Biotin

Figure 2. Data for Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, Biotin

(A) Flow cytometry analysis of human buffy coat cells labeled with Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, Biotin followed by streptavidin (SAV) APC (filled histogram) or a mouse IgG1, kappa biotin isotype control antibody followed by SAV APC (black line histogram).
(B) Flow cytometry analysis of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) processed with the EasySep™ HLA CD3 Positive Selection Kit and labeled with Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, Biotin followed by streptavidin (SAV) APC. Histograms show labeling of PBMCs (Start) and isolated cells (Isolated). Labeling of start cells with a mouse IgG1, kappa biotin isotype control antibody followed by SAV APC is shown (open histogram).

Data for Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, FITC

Figure 3. Data for Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, FITC

(A) Flow cytometry analysis of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) labeled with Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, FITC and anti-human CD45 APC.
(B) Flow cytometry analysis of human PBMCs processed with the EasySep™ HLA CD3 Positive Selection Kit and labeled with Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, FITC. Histograms show labeling of PBMCs (Start) and isolated cells (Isolated). Labeling of start cells with a mouse IgG1, kappa FITC isotype control antibody is shown (open histogram).

Data for Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, PE

Figure 4. Data for Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, PE

(A) Flow cytometry analysis of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) labeled with Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, PE and anti-human CD45 APC. (B) Flow cytometry analysis of human PBMCs processed with the EasySep™ HLA CD3 Positive Selection Kit and labeled with Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, PE. Histograms show labeling of PBMCs (Start) and isolated cells (Isolated). Labeling of start cells with a mouse IgG1, kappa PE isotype control antibody is shown (open histogram).

Data for Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10

Figure 5. Data for Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10

Flow cytometry analysis of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) labeled with Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, followed by Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) Antibody, Polyclonal, FITC (Catalog #60138FI; filled histogram), or a mouse IgG1, kappa isotype control antibody followed by Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) Antibody, Polyclonal, FITC (solid line histogram).

Image showing flow cytometry analysis of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) labeled with Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, PerCP  or a mouse IgG1, kappa isotype control antibody, PerCP.

Figure 6. Data for Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, PerCP

Flow cytometry analysis of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) labeled with Anti-Human CD2 Antibody, Clone RPA-2.10, PerCP (filled histogram) or a mouse IgG1, kappa isotype control antibody, PerCP (solid line histogram).