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Anti-SARS-CoV Nucleoprotein Antibody, Clone 001 (Recombinant)

Rabbit monoclonal IgG antibody against SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV) Nucleoprotein (HEK293-expressed recombinant)



The Anti-SARS-CoV Nucleoprotein Antibody, Clone 001 (Recombinant) reacts with the nucleoprotein expressed by SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and has shown to cross-react with SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV).

Coronaviruses infect both animal and human hosts and can cause a wide range of potentially fatal symptoms, including upper respiratory tract infections in humans. These viruses are enveloped and contain single-stranded RNA associated with a nucleoprotein. These nucleoproteins are abundantly produced within CoV-infected cells, where their primary function is to package the viral genome into flexible, helical ribonucleoprotein complexes called nucleocapsids. The nucleocapsid binds to genomic RNA and is understood to interact with viral membrane proteins during virion assembly, therefore playing a critical role in ensuring the efficiency of viral transcription, translation, and assembly. In host cells, the nucleocapsid can directly impact normal cell functions and cause cell-cycle deregulation, increased COX-2 production, and inhibition of interferon production.


Document Type 产品名称 Catalog # Lot # 语言
Product Information Sheet Anti-SARS-CoV Nucleoprotein Antibody, Clone 001 (Recombinant) 100-0529, 100-0580 All English
